May 26, 2021
What is “Spirit Wars”?
This year we hosted our THIRD annual Spirit Wars competition over on our Instagram page (@tademydandp). It has honestly become one of our favorite times of the year! What happens is we post one Instagram post for each of the local high schools in the area and the school with the “Most Likes” by the end of the week wins bragging rights as the school with the Most School Spirit! It has evolved over the years to include “Most Likes,” “Most Comments,” and now has a category for bigger schools and one for smaller schools. Current students, their families, and alumni all jump in and vote for their school. It is really fun to watch the participation grow over the week!
So who won this year?
This year was a close one! Sam Houston High School and Sulphur High School were 5-10 likes apart for days! But in the end Sam Houston took the win for the second year in a row!

This year we created a new “smaller schools” category so that the smaller schools in the area who don’t have quite as many students, have a little more fun participating. The winner of the new smaller schools category with the “Most Likes” was Washington Marion!

And then a fun bonus, that was added last year, the school with the “Most Comments” for the second year in a row was LaGrange High School!
Here are all the official numbers:

If you want to participate in next years Spirit Wars competition make sure you head over to Instagram and follow us @tademydandp so you don’t miss out on your chance to show your school spirit!